Thursday 26 April 2012

Make your mind up time

I have finally came to the decision of switching from the Core Spirit project to the the default project, a decision that has been deliberated for many days.
My change of heart is not due to anything against Core Spirit as the recent brief was extremely insightful, it is simply the fact I would like to look back on my FMP and be proud to share it.
My time is divided between University and starting up my on online instead I am doing my business plan on Shipment, an e-commerce shop that I am currently, attempting to and hopefully setting up.
It seemed an obvious decision as this allowed me to dedicate all my time and energy into my out-of-uni project which ties nicely in with my FMP.
With the uprise in online shopping and the computer savvy 21st century consumer, e-commerce is rapidly becoming the future with regards to retailing. If every high-street store things its a good idea, then I do to. This couldn't be a better time to consider starting a small business online. Unfortunately for the next 10 years its probably never going to be a 'good time' to start a business but if I was to take a chance on anything, this would be my chance. Like we say "There's no time like the present".
This will not only be an exciting project as it is something that is actually part of my life at the moment but also I have the expertise of my tutors and the students around me to aid me with my plan and my ideas.

It's a real opportunity to utilise my surroundings and what better time than during my Final Major Project.

Wish me luck!

Monday 23 April 2012

After having a good think over the weekend about Core Spirit and the project, I realised that I have a few unanswered questions with regards to the Marketing & Business plan. I was happy to be told today that Core Spirit will actually be coming in to do the original briefing and hopefully answer the gaps in our limited knowledge of the brand. I also hope we experience some enthusiasm from the brand as I don't seem to get much from there online and social networking presence.
In order to get a broader understand of the brand I've decided to power ahead with the initial research of the consumer profile, competitors and segmentation for Core Spirit all aspects that I can do before the briefing.
My main concerns and areas that I'm unsure of are: Budget, limitations of advert/Campaign (i.e. clothing) and which collection is to be used?

I'm sure I'll have many more questions along the way but for now it's business research...creativity and marketing ideas will closely follow.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Core Spirit is a brand I have never heard of and a brand that I may never have came across if it wasn't for this Final Major Project Collaboration with London College of Fashion. After much debate, I decided to choose Core Spirit as the brand for my Business and Marketing plan. 
I came to the conclusion that this project would be much more exciting and challenging if I choose an unknown brand that is not necessarily my 'cup of tea' as apposed to working with a brand I know and love. 
In reality such opportunities are hard to find. Core Spirit, a relatively new brand in the UK wants our help with regards to Marketing and PR . Despite already adopting a certain style themselves, the UK market seems to be out of touch with this brand which is unfortunate as the store on New Bond St is extremely interesting.
Core Spirit is a new brand to me and pretty much the entire Fashion Marketing course but it has the opportunity to experience a new direction and will hopefully be a brand worth shouting about.

I look forward to the challenge ahead!